Diabetes symptoms and prevention.
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Treatment goals depend on the type of heart disease you have, as well as how severe your case is.

Atherosclerotic Disease:
Atherosclerotic diseases include coronary artery disease, carotid artery disease, and peripheral artery disease. The goals of treatment are to prevent symptoms, prevent a heart attack, and slow or stop the worsening of your disease.

Cardiac Arrhythmias:
Treatment may not be needed for an arrhythmia unless it's creating problems or if it may lead to a more severe arrhythmia or complications. In these cases, treatment will focus on regulating your heartbeat.

Heart Valve Disease:
With heart valve disease, your treatment goals will be to protect your heart from more damage, manage your symptoms, and possibly surgically repair any valve problems.

Heart Infections:
When you have a heart infection such as endocarditis, pericarditis, or myocarditis, the main goal of treatment is to get rid of the infection and inflammation in your heart, as well as any symptoms you may be having.

Heart Failure:
Heart failure requires lifelong treatment, but this can help you live a longer, better-quality life. The goal is to reduce your symptoms as much as possible while balancing medications and other treatment options.
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Heart diseases and diabetes both are the most common health problems nowadays. And heart diseases are very common in people who are having diabetes. Even the reports have proved that 65% of the people who are having diabetes are at risk of heart diseases or stroke, it is also true that the risk of heart diseases and stroke are more more than twice as high in people with diabetes. As in diabetes people have increased chance of developing a heart disease but this condition is more common in type 2 diabetes and in fact heart diseases are the most common cause of death in people having type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of heart failure:-

1. Fatigue and lethargy
2. Shortness of breath with any kind of activities or even while lying down
3. Irregular heartbeat or rapid heartbeat
4. Excess of cough with white or pink blood mucus
5. Nausea
6. Swelling of the abdomen
7. Decrease in alertness
8. Difficulty in concentrating
9. Chest pain that may vary according to time

Causes of heart disease in people with diabetes:-

The most common cause of heart failure in the people who are diabetic is atherosclerosis or the hardening of the coronary arteries, which is more commonly called as the buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels that help to supply Oxygen and nutrition to the heart. When the cholesterol plaques are formed that lead to breakdown or rapture and the body tries to repair it by sending platelets to heal, but because the artery is small the platelet can block the flow of blood, and also not allowed the oxygen to deliver which may lead to heart failure. This process can happen to any arteries of the body which can also result in lack of blood to the brain which can cause stroke and also peripheral vascular diseases. When there is high blood sugar level for a longer period of time the blood vessel can start to get damaged which can lead to serious heart complications.

High cholesterol- If your cholesterol is too high, then there is deposition of extra fat in the walls of your blood vessels. Over time, this fat layer of fat hardens and is known as plaque. Hard plaque can lead to block up of the blood vessels, which makes lead to narrowing of vessels. This is called arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis and is the most common cause of a heart attack.

High blood pressure- Due to the deposition the vessels may also lead to high blood pressure which may lead to serious complications that include:-

Heart attack, stroke, kidney problems, vision issues.

Testing of heart diseases:-

The blood pressure and cholesterol levels and the wait helps the doctor to understand the overall risk of heart disease, here are some of the test that the doctor also marry command to check the heart health-

An Electrocardiogram (ECG)- this is done to measure the heart's electrical activity. The heartbeat is the result of electrical impulse that is travel through the heart.

An Echocardiogram (Echo)- this is done to examine the thickness of the heart muscles and how well the heart pumps

An exercise stress test - this is done to check the heart functions when it is in hard working state.

How to prevent heart failure in the person with diabetes:-

1. Try to keep blood sugar as normal as possible
2. Track cholesterol levels and get the cholesterol level under control
3. Lose weight
4. Control your blood pressure
5. Exercise daily
6. Eating healthy diet which help in maintainainance of weight
7. Quit smoking
8. Be physically active
9. Relief stress

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Healthy and unhealthy blood pressure ranges.
#bloodpressure #sustho


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