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Here are a few examples of front-end interview questions that could be asked in an interview:
### HTML/CSS Questions:
1. **What are the differences between block-level and inline elements?**
2. **Explain the CSS box model and its components.**
3. **How do you create a responsive web design? What tools or frameworks do you use?**
4. **What is Flexbox, and how does it differ from CSS Grid?**
5. **How can you implement CSS animations? Provide an example.**
### JavaScript Questions:
1. **Explain the difference between `var`, `let`, and `const`.**
2. **What are closures in JavaScript, and how are they used?**
3. **How does the event loop work in JavaScript?**
4. **What is the difference between `==` and `===`?**
5. **How do promises work in JavaScript, and what problem do they solve?**
### React Questions:
1. **What are the main differences between class components and functional components?**
2. **What are React hooks, and why are they useful?**
3. **How does the virtual DOM work in React?**
4. **Explain the concept of state and props in React.**
5. **What are the benefits of using React for front-end development?**
### General Front-End Questions:
1. **How do you optimize a website’s performance?**
2. **What are web accessibility standards, and why are they important?**
3. **Explain the concept of progressive enhancement and graceful degradation.**
4. **What are the key differences between single-page applications (SPA) and multi-page applications (MPA)?**
5. **How do you handle cross-browser compatibility issues?**
Thank you
Here are a few examples of front-end interview questions that could be asked in an interview:
### HTML/CSS Questions:
1. **What are the differences between block-level and inline elements?**
2. **Explain the CSS box model and its components.**
3. **How do you create a responsive web design? What tools or frameworks do you use?**
4. **What is Flexbox, and how does it differ from CSS Grid?**
5. **How can you implement CSS animations? Provide an example.**
### JavaScript Questions:
1. **Explain the difference between `var`, `let`, and `const`.**
2. **What are closures in JavaScript, and how are they used?**
3. **How does the event loop work in JavaScript?**
4. **What is the difference between `==` and `===`?**
5. **How do promises work in JavaScript, and what problem do they solve?**
### React Questions:
1. **What are the main differences between class components and functional components?**
2. **What are React hooks, and why are they useful?**
3. **How does the virtual DOM work in React?**
4. **Explain the concept of state and props in React.**
5. **What are the benefits of using React for front-end development?**
### General Front-End Questions:
1. **How do you optimize a website’s performance?**
2. **What are web accessibility standards, and why are they important?**
3. **Explain the concept of progressive enhancement and graceful degradation.**
4. **What are the key differences between single-page applications (SPA) and multi-page applications (MPA)?**
5. **How do you handle cross-browser compatibility issues?**
Thank you
হযরত আবু হুরায়রা (রাঃ) থেকে বর্ণিত। রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) ইরশাদ করেছেন- "তোমরা কি জান গীবত (পরনিন্দা) কি?" সাহাবারা বললেন-"আল্লাহ তায়ালা এবং তার রাসূলই ভাল জানেন"। হুজুর (সাঃ) বললেন-"তোমার (মুসলমান) ভাইয়ের এমন কোন আলোচনা করা যা সে অপছন্দ করে।" কোন কোন সাহাবা বললেন- "আমার ভাই সম্পর্কে যা বলি তা যদি তার মধ্যে থাকে?" (আর সে তা অপছন্দ করে তবুও কি তা গীবত বা পরনিন্দা হবে?) রাসূলুল্লাহ (সাঃ) বললেন-"তুমি যা বললে তা তার মধ্যে (বাস্তবে) থাকলেই গীবত হবে। আর যা তুমি বললে তা তার মাঝে না থাকলে তবে যেন তুমি তাকে অপবাদ দিলে। (যা গীবতের চে' মারাত্মক গোনাহ)"
{সহীহ মুসলিম শরীফ, হাদিস নং-৬৭৫৮}